The current viral outbreak the world is experiencing has caused some of you to have questions and change future plans.  While these circumstances are largely outside your or our control we all have to make decisions in the coming days and weeks that are in our own best interests, and we encourage everyone to do what you think is necessary for you and your families to feel safe.  


To be clear, during this time we do expect everyone to continue with all current obligations under leases and legal agreements.  Also, understand that we intend to keep up our agreements so that we can provide the services that we promised you. If there is a change in this policy we will communicate with you promptly.


If you have decided to change your plans or are unable to fulfill the terms of your agreement, please communicate with us promptly with your intentions clearly stated in writing and sent via email or letter form to our office address below.       


In difficult times like this we may find solace in faith, science, or history, all of which teach us that we will get through this.  We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.  


Take care and be safe,


Creative Investments LLC

4736 S Glenhaven 

Springfield MO 65804